Snow Climbing

Snow climbing is generally done in spring and early summer. Many peaks in Idaho are covered with an abundance of loose and tedious rock. If you climb those peaks when covered in snow, it can take considerably less effort. That being said, snow climbing should not be attempted with out knowledge of proper footwork while wearing crampons, and how to use an ice axe for self arrest. It is also vital that you know how to interpret avalanche conditions. If you have any doubts whatsoever, then stay home. Below is a list of snow climbs I’ve done. Click on any of the description links for a trip report and photos.

6/29/2024No Regret PeakLost RiversEast Fork Pahsimeroi11Day
4/30/2022Umpleby PeakLemhi RangeBasinger Canyon7Day
6/18/2021Mount HoodCascadesTimberline Lodge8Day
5/1/2021Lost River Peak & Paragon PeakLost RiversLRP TH7Day
6/13/2020Mount GilbertRuby MountainsCamp Lamoille9Day
5/11/2019Mount BreitenbachLost RiversPete Creek8Day
3/29/2019Mount Saint HelensCascadesMarble Mountain11Day
4/22/2017Williams PeakLost RiversNorth Jones Creek5Day
6/29/2014Mount RainierCascadesParadise151 night
5/16/2013Perkins PeakBouldersNF Big Lost River10Day
5/18/2012Mount CorruptionLost RiversEF Pahsimeroi River4Day
6/25/2011Cobb PeakPioneersHyndman Creek10Day
5/19/2011Lorenzo PeakBouldersBilly's Bridge7Day
7/03/2010Castle PeakWhite Clouds4th July121 night
5/15/2010Horseshoe MountainLost RiversDoublespring Road6Day
11/6/2009Bad Rock PeakLost RiversUpper Sawmill Gulch7Day
5/17/2009Bell MountainLemhi RangeBasinger Canyon6Day
6/8/2008McIntyre & Jacqueline PeaksPioneersNear PK Pass5Day
3/9/2008Galena PeakBouldersSenate Creek7Day
6/9/2007Old Hyndman PeakPioneersHyndman Creek14Day
4/28/2007Mount McCalebLost Rivers4WD Road5Day
3/24/2007Easley Peak & Cerro CientoBouldersOwl Creek8Day
6/20/2006Mount BreitenbachLost RiversPete Creek8Day
6/4/2006Lost River PeakLost RiversLRP TH5Day

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