Lick Creek Range

This is a list of the hikes I've taken in the Lick Creek Range, a sub-range of the Salmon River Mountains of central Idaho. These are some underappreciated mountains in the area around McCall. Click on a description link for photos and/or a trip report.

10/19/2024Porcupine RidgeLick CreekGold Fork Meadow5Day
10/20/2023Lost Basin PeakLick CreekLost Basin2Day
7/5/2021Snowdon RockLick CreekJumbo Creek2Day
9/3/2020Frog LakeLick CreekGrass Mountain Lake81 night
9/1/2018Thirtythree LakeLick CreekThirtythree Lake71 night
11/28/2017Snowslide PeakLick CreekGolden Lake5Day
8/4/2017Rapid LakeLick CreekBoulder Cr91 night
11/12/2016Eagle NestLick CreekUpper Eagle Nest6Day
11/11/2016Green MountainLick CreekRoad 3912Day
8/14/2016Hard Creek LakeLick CreekHard Creek51 night
4/16/2016Split Creek PointLick CreekSplit Creek9Day
8/2/2014Lake SereneLick CreekGrass Mountain Lake51 night
8/17/2013Hard Butte LakeLick CreekClayburn Trailhead71 night
7/20/2012Pearl & Marge LakesLick CreekCrestline Trailhead61 night
8/20/2010Upper Hazard LakeLick CreekHazard Lake51 night
7/24/2009Grass Mountain LakesLick CreekGrass Mountain Lake51 night
10/7/2007Jughandle and Boulder MountainLick CreekLouie Lake9Day
10/1/2006Granite MountainLick CreekGoose Lake6Day
7/23/2005Boulder LakeLick CreekBoulder Cr4Day
6/15/1999Loon LakeLick CreekPonderosa CG10Day

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