Overview map of the area.
 A view of "the backside" of the Lost River Range from the drive in.
 Mount Church from near the East Fork Pahsimeroi River trail head.
 Waterfall at the base of Bad Rock Peak.
 Making the final climb up to Lake 9682'.
 View down to Lake 9682' and our campsite. Mount Corruption is in the background.
 Jordan, JJ, and I at the Lake 9682' campsite with Mt Church as a backdrop.
 A sampling of the fossils seen in the area. Most seem to be coming from Bad Rock Peak.
 The approach to Mount Breitenbach's north side passes through this gorgeous meadow.
 We climbed up to Dry Creek Pass (Breitenbach Divide). This is a view of Bell Mountain in the Lemhi's.
 A view back towards the trailhead from Dry Creek Pass and abundant scree on Mount Corruption. I'm the small speck on the ridge to the right (photo taken by Jordan).
 This is the north side of Lost River Peak, as seen from Dry Creek Pass.
 Here we are messing around with the night settings on the camera. Breitenbach's North Face is behind us.
 The massive North Face of Mount Breitenbach made an awesome backdrop for our campsite.
 JJ crossing a log near the East Fork Pahsimeroi trailhead.
 Leatherman Pass from the road leading to the West Fork Pahsimeroi River trailhead.
 Jordan fishing on the snowy shore of Merriam Lake.
 Our campsite at Merriam Lake with Mount Idaho behind.
 Looking across Merriam Lake from the inlet.
 The climb to Upper Merriam Lake involves crossing some "tundra". Mount Idaho is in the background.
 Group shot taken near Upper Merriam Lake.
 JJ standing below 12065' Mount Idaho.
 The view back down on the "tundra" area and Merriam Lake. Bell Mountain and the Lemhi's also visible.
 Night shot of Merriam Lake, Mount Idaho, and our campfire.
 Partially frozen Merriam Lake in the morning.