Ch-paa-qn Peak
Elevation 7996'
Ch-paa-qn Peak is the highpoint of Reservation Divide, located north of Missoula Montana. This prominent pyramid shaped peak is visible from most any direction It is a popular hike in the area, thanks to a pleasant trail leading most of the way to the summit. Ch-paa-qn Peak was our final objective during an excellent 5-day peak bagging trip in Montana. We made our way to the Reservation Divide Trailhead on Edith Peak Road the night before. After driving around awhile looking for a place to camp, we eventually decided just to pitch our tents at the trailhead. Not ideal, but ended up working out fine.

After a good night of sleep, it was time to head up the forested trail. The trail is pretty passable for the most part, but a few brushy sections to push through later on.

The trail was pleasant as we hike through shady forest. Pretty nice, but not much in the way of views.

We followed the trail around to the southwest side of the peak, then hung a right at a signed junction. From here, the trial climbed more steeply. After a while the trail ended, and it was time for some boulder hopping.

Here's a view looking back down the boulder section. John and Michael are both visible in this shot if you look closely.

Soon enough, we made it to the summit, where we enjoyed a snack. Michael played "name that peak". I have no doubt he'll take us to visit some of them on future trips.

On the way down, we made a mini-loop and descended the southeast side of the peak. Once back at the trail, it was an easy hike back to the trailhead.

Map of our route. Round trip was just under 7 miles and 2000' of elevation gain. The hike took us about 4.5 hours.
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