Phyllis Lake & South Six Lakes Peak
Elevation 10,099'
Phyllis Lake is located in central Idaho's White Cloud Mountains. The beautiful lake is only 0.6 miles from the trailhead, via a gently graded wheelchair accessible trail. But the crux is likely the rough 4WD road to get there. From the lake, many peaks are accessible, including "South Six Lakes Peak". I'd been planning a trip to the White Clouds, and with new LiDAR showing this peak actually had 300' of prominence, it immediately moved to the top of my wish list.

The Phyllis Lake trailhead is a rough 1.7 mile drive from Fourth of July Creek. High clearance vehicle required, or you can just hike.

It was an easy 0.6 mile hike to the beautiful Phyllis Lake.

I decided to take quick walk around the east side of the lake. Here's a view looking across at South Six Lakes Peak.

After leaving the lake, I side hilled across toward the peak.

I passed this small unnamed lake along the way.

Then this larger lake higher up. From here I headed up to the ridge.

Once I crested the ridge, I was rewarded with this view looking northwest down into Six Lakes Basin.

Next up, some fun ridge work heading north to the peak. I was able stay on the ridge most of the way, but occasionally dropped off to the east side.

Looking back at Phyllis Lake from the ridge. Fourth of July Peak and Ivory Peak are above the lake.

View of the snowy north face of Washington Peak.

Looking into the heart of the White Clouds, from the summit of South Six Lakes Peak.

Great views of the Sawtooths from the summit. This shot is zoomed in a bit.

On the way back, I decided to make a loop, and descend to a lower lake that I'd bypassed on the way up.

Taking break at the lake. Not many more snow-free days before winter.

An old miners cabin I passed on the way back to the trailhead.

Map of my route. Round trip was about 4 miles and 1200' of elevation gain in a leisurely 2.5 hours of hiking.
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