Window Peak
Elevation 11,087'
Window Peak is located in central Idaho’s Boulder Mountains. It is found on the main crest of the range, but is neatly tucked in a wrinkle where the crest turns north near Boulder Basin. Consequently Window Peak isn’t visible from the highway, but there is a pretty good view of the mountain during the trail approach up the West Fork of the North Fork of the Big Wood River. It is located just north of Window Lake.
With the mountain climbing weather hanging on into late November, Splattski (and Ruby) and I decided to head to the Boulder Mountains and try for an 11er. We met in Banks at 5am, made it to the North Fork trailhead by 8:30 and hit the trial shortly thereafter.
The West Fork trail was very scenic and made for easy travel. It was a cool but sunny November morning, and our spirits were high as we covered the first 3.5 miles of trail in relative ease. Then we left the trail, crossed the frozen creek, and the real uphill began.
There was a dusting of snow in places as we started heading up. We found a pretty decent rib just north of the stream, and made steady progress up through the trees. Soon the trees mostly ended, and the scree and talus began. The rib petered out, we side-hilled a bit, and then climbed up a gully that led us to a nice break spot with great views of the valley below.
After a snack, we continued up a ramp/shelf that took us to the upper valley, dodging breakable crust amidst the snowfields along the way. Soon enough the south slopes of Window Peak came into view. The route was guarded by plentiful scree and talus. But it was no time for whining, the summit was beckoning.
Splattski side-hilled along the face for a while, and I attempted a more direct route on what appeared to be better rock. Neither option ended up being particularly good, and we made it to the east ridge at about the same time after plenty of slipping, sliding, huffing, puffing, gritting, grinding, etc.
Once on the east ridge, we were rewarded with much better rock conditions. It was mainly a class 2 stroll to the summit, where we took a lengthy break to enjoy some well-deserved food and to soak in the incredible views. I feel like views on a sunny day late in the season like this are the best. Clear air, sun lower in the sky, and snowy mountains on all sides. That’s a combination that’s hard to beat.
The descent went much faster than the climb, and the scree made for quick work of the south face. We were then able to (mostly) retrace our path back down the ramp, through the trees, on to the trail. From there, it was a nice cruise back to the truck. Round trip was 10 miles, 4600’ elevation gain, in 7 hours round trip.

Map of the route, 10 miles and 4600' gain round trip. |

Entering the wilderness area not long after the trailhead. |

Nice views from the West Fork trail, Window Peak in the distance. |

Crossing the frozen creek. |

Great views from our snack spot. |

Entering the upper valley, first view the scree covered south face of Window Peak. |

Window Lake is up there somewhere. |

John climbing the scree. |

Nearing the ridge, but still some work to do. |

Enjoyable hiking on the east ridge of Window Peak. |

Window Peak summit views southwest including Silver Peak and Lorenzo Peak. |

Big Boulder 11ers to the northeast of Window Peak. |

Victory shot on the summit of Window Peak. |

The frozen Window Lake down below. |

Descending the east ridge back into the valley. |