
The term “scrambling” implies that you have to use your hands in order to reach your destination. Below is a list of scrambles I’ve done. Included are Class 2+ (hands used for balance), Class 3 (hands used for climbing, minimal exposure to falling), Class 3+ (hands used for climbing, some exposure to falling that could really mess you up), and Class 4 (hands used for climbing, some exposure to falling that would likely kill you). See my Peak List for class ratings of each peak. Click on any of the description links for a trip report and photos.

10/18/2024Cold Springs PeakWest MountainsFS643M4Day
10/14/2024Garland PeakWhite CloudsGold Creek15Day
9/13/2024Griswold Peak & North Ryan PeakBouldersNorth Fork Lake Trailhead11Day
8/17/2024Culmination Peak & Ibex Creek PeakBouldersNorth Fork Wood River18Day
8/1/2024Moose Lake & Angel LakePioneersFall Creek202 nights
6/282024Little Regret PeakLost RiversEast Fork Pahsimeroi8Day
6/27/2024Triple PeakLost RiversEast Fork Pahsimeroi10Day
6/6/2024Alcyone & Atlas PeaksPioneersGreen Lake Road7Day
3/17/2024Rattlesnake PeakBennett HillsRattlesnake Spring4Day
10/20/2023Lost Basin PeakLick CreekLost Basin2Day
10/14/2023South Twin & Jaggle PeakLost RiversCayuse Canyon9Day
10/13/2023Phyllis Lake & S Six Lakes PeakWhite CloudsPhyllis Lake4Day
8/8/2023Reynolds Mountain & Dragons TailLewis RangeLogan Pass10Day
8/7/2023Mount SiyehLewis RangeSiyeh Bend10Day
8/6/2023Rocky MountainSawtooth Range MTSouth Fork Teton River13Day
7/1/2023White Knob TraverseWhite KnobsThe Swamps16Day
5/1/2023The OrphanValley of FireWhite Domes5Day
4/28/2023Picacho PeakPicacho MountainsHunter Trail4Day
4/27/2023Four Peaks MotherloadMazatzal MountainsLone Pine9Day
4/26/2023Calico PeakEscalante StaircaseParia Breaks Road6Day
11/19/2022Smith Butte LoopOwyheesSaddle Butte Rd9Day
10/7/2022Box Canyon PeaksPioneersE. Fk Big Wood River10Day
9/10/2022Stack RockBoise MountainsLower Stack Rock11Day
9/3/2022Doublespring Peak & Mahogany TridentLost RiversCayuse Canyon7Day
9/2/2022Brocky PeakPioneersWildhorse Canyon12Day
9/1/2022White Cloud Peak #10White CloudsRailroad Ridge6Day
8/6/2022Braxon PeakSawtoothsRedfish Inlet9Day
7/29/2022Boulder Lake & Boulder Lake PeakPioneersBoulder Lake111 night
7/16/2022Mount BorahLost RiversBorah8Day
6/18/2022Boulder Mountains TrilogyBouldersW Fork Boulder Creek6Day
9/18/2021Wet Creek PeaksLost RiversWet Creek11Day
8/8/2021Roaring PeakBouldersWest Pass Creek9Day
8/7/2021The RiddlerLemhi RangePass Creek12Day
8/3/2021Greys PeakEast Humbolt RangeAngel Lake4Day
8/2/2021Ruby Dome TraverseRuby MountainsLower Hennen Canyon14Day
7/5/2021Snowdon RockLick CreekJumbo Creek2Day
6/12/2021Duncan PeakPioneersHyndman Creek12Day
3/28/2021Jackass ButteOwyheesJackass Butte3Day
10/17/2020Amber Peak & Basils PeakBouldersNorth Fork Wood River13Day
5/2/2020Sheephead Peak & Invisible MountainLost RiversSwauger Gulch9Day
4/11/2020Shares SnoutOwyheesCoyote Grade Road2Day
11/23/2019Window PeakBouldersNorth Fork Wood River10Day
9/27/2019Perfect PeakSawtoothsAlpine Creek10Day
9/14/2019Grand Prize PeaksWhite CloudsGrand Prize Canyon6Day
9/13/2019Mount Greylock Six PackSalmon RiverEstes Mountain11Day
8/19/2019Bighorn CragsSalmon RiverCrags CG363 nights
8/12/2019Bear Valley Lakes - Lemhi 10ersLemhi RangeBear Valley Creek241 night
8/11/2019Cleft PeakLost RiversDry Creek15Day
8/10/2019Ferguson PeakLost RiversLong Lost Creek11Day
4/12/2019Guadalupe Peak LoopGuadalupe MountainsPine Springs17Day
9/12/2018Andromeda PeakPioneersFall Creek181 night
9/11/2018Rearing Stallion PeakPioneersWildhorse Canyon7Day
8/7/2018Crazy PeakCrazy MountainsSoutheast Ridge9Day
8/4/2018Hilgard PeakMadison RangeW Fork Beaver Creek181 night
2/10/2018McGowan PeakLost RiversSouth of McGowan Cr5Day
11/28/2017Snowslide PeakLick CreekGolden Lake5Day
8/26/2017Gabriels HornPioneersWildhorse Canyon5Day
8/24/2016Williamson & TyndallSierra NevadaShepherd Pass394 nights
3/15/2016Kraft Mtn & New PeakRed Rocks (NV)Calico Basin4Day
3/13/2016Bridge MountainRed Rocks (NV)Lovell Canyon Jeep Road11Day
10/17/2015Grand Finale PeakWhite CloudsThree Cabins14Day
10/16/2015Six Lakes PeakWhite Clouds4th July4Day
9/12/2015Granite Peak (MT)Beartooth WildernessUpper Lady of the Lake282 nights
8/13/2015Mount TempleBanff NPMoraine Lake12Day
5/2/2015Bear Mountain LoopLemhi RangeSummerhouse Canyon6Day
5/1/2015Big Boy & Shoshone John PeaksLemhi RangeBunting Canyon10Day
8/24/2014Thompson Peak (Mickey's & Anna's)SawtoothsFishhook Creek14Day
7/25/2014Far Away MountainLost RiversUpper Cedar Creek11Day
4/27/2014Buttercup MountainSmoky MountainsCherry Creek9Day
4/26/2014Sonoma PeakSonoma RangePole Creek9Day
10/18/2013Abel PeakPioneersKane Lake11Day
8/24/2013Chamberlain PeaksWhite CloudsThree Cabins15Day
6/28/2013Patterson Frank Blackmon LoopWhite Clouds4th July12Day
10/9/2012Goat MountainPioneersHyndman Creek15Day
12/6/2011Dickey PeakLost RiversPoison Spring6Day
8/24/2011Clyde MinaretMinaretsDevils Postpile211 night
8/23/2011Russell to Whitney TraverseSierra NevadaWhitney Portal17Day
7/9/2011Pegasus PeakPioneersFall Creek15Day
10/6/2010Mount Regan & Alpine PeakSawtoothsIron Creek17Day
9/17/2010Kent PeakBouldersNorth Fork Wood River11Day
10/10/2009Al West PeakLost RiversRock Creek8Day
9/7/2009Wolf MountainBoise MountainsEast Ridge7Day
5/29/2009Devils Bedstead WestPioneersTrail Creek Summit13Day
11/8/2008White Cap PeakLost RiversSawmill Gulch7Day
9/6/2008Mount IdahoLost RiversElkhorn Creek8Day
8/22/2008Tin Cup Lake & WCP-10White CloudsRailroad Ridge5Day
9/21/2007Hyndman PeakPioneersHyndman Creek13Day
8/29/2007Lonesome PeakWhite Clouds4th July11Day
5/20/2007Leatherman PeakLost RiversSawmill Gulch12Day
10/14/2006Washington Basin PeaksWhite Clouds4th July11Day
9/9/2006Wet Peak TraverseLost RiversWet Creek13Day
7/7/2006Diamond PeakLemhi RangeEast Ridge6Day
10/22/2005Big Basin PeakPioneersE. Fk Big Wood River8Day
9/17/2005Devils Bedstead EastPioneersBoulder Lake10Day
8/27/2005McGown PeakSawtoothsStanley Lake12Day
8/6/1994Mount BorahLost RiversBorah7Day
8/10/1991Mount BorahLost RiversBorah7Day
8/11/1990Mount BorahLost RiversBorah7Day

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